VERSACE FW20 - Eyewear & Watches

Look at shadows, time’s ticking. View the latest campaign of #VersaceWatches and Sunglasses.



Director: Tommaso Ottomano

Cinematographer: Giuseppe Favale

Versace Creative Director: James Roper
Versace Producer:  Shokoufeh Shehnizadehemadi 

Production Company: The Box Films

Executive Producer: Federico Levizzani

Producer: Luca Zampieri

Set Designer: Valentina Cameranesi

Prop Master: Luigi Toscano

Talent: Fien Kloos (@womenmanagement), Davide Lenoci (@whynotmodels)

Hair stylist: Alessandro Squarza

Make up: Seiko Nishigori

Post Production: Iggy post
Colorist: Diego la Rosa
Music: Tommaso Ottomano